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Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.John Muir






This website was created to remember and celebrate the life of John Mead Hargis who was born in Yakima, WA on November 2, 1948 and passed away on June 18, 2008. Mead, you will live forever in our memories and hearts.

We encourage you to write a memory about Mead to share with his family and friends.  Click on Memories in the left sidebar, then scroll to the bottom and click on Share Your Memories. 

To upload photos (or to view photos of Mead) click on Gallery.  We have created several albums that you can view by selecting from the pick list at the top of the page.  If you want to contribute photos, the optimum photo size is 200 pixels by 300 pixels, but if you don't know what that means, don't worry.  You can upload photos of any size.   When you send a photo, please type a short caption for it in the box called Message to Creator of Website.  When we receive the photo, we will then assign it to an album. 

If you have old slides of Mead that you would like to share, click on Contact Us on the left and we will help you get them scanned and uploaded.  Please put Pictures in the subject line of your message to us.

The Candles link is for writing a blessing or prayer for Mead.  The rest of the website is hopefully self-explanatory.  If you click on a link and it goes nowhere, please click the Back button and try again.  Every link on the left does contain material, but sometimes it doesn't load.

Thank you for contributing to Mead's memorial website in whatever way is most meaningful to you! 


Quick Gallery
sedated cub Baby Mead & parents JMuirTrail w Tina Laurel 3 days old Lynn MacMichael officiating popsicle break, Death Valley Mead Tina Denali Little Yosemite Valley Tina giving overview of Mead's life Mead on Horseback (sort of) Tina and daughter George Hargis